Who’s Who


The Executive

Sarah Campion President

Sarah Campion

Paul M Pinel Vice-President

Paul M Pinel

Jerry Hart Committee

Jerry Hart

Anne Pallot Hon. Secretary

Anne Pallot
Hon. Secretary

Andrew Le Cheminant Hon. Treasurer

Andrew Le Cheminant
Hon. Treasurer


The Committee

Jack Pallot Competition Secretary

Jack Pallot
Competition Secretary

Tony Rees-Williams Statistics Officer

Tony Rees-Williams
Statistics Officer

Geoff Michel
Team Secretary


James Moore

Nick Queree

Eric Payn

Barry Le Cheminant Committee

Barry Le Cheminant

Jayson Pallot Committee

Jayson Pallot

John Le Ruez Committee

John Le Ruez

Alan O’Rafferty

Goetz Eggelhoffer Committee

Goetz Eggelhoffer




Safeguarding Officers - Mrs S Campion and P M Pinel

Ammunition Officer - B C Fossey

Delegates to the JSSA - Mrs S Campion, J Hart and G Eggelhoffer

Classification Committee - TBC

Hon. Auditors - A D’Authreau and B J Le Cheminant


Range Conducting Officers


M M Le Mottee

G L Pallot

A Rees-Williams

Mrs S Campion

C C Mallett

P M Pinel

N Le Maistre

N Queree

M Le Moignan

J Le Moignan

A D Le Cheminant

R Le Boutillier

J Crump

A D Le Cheminant

B J Le Cheminant

J P Le Ruez

A O’Rafferty

J Hart

G Eggelhoefer

Club Instructor / Coach


M M Le Mottee

C C Mallett Jnr

Honorary Vice-Presidents


B C Fossey



Connétable R Vibert

J Le Breton

M J Smith

Deputy K Moore

T Du Feu

C Egre

J Refault

Past Presidents


2020 to Date - Mrs S Campion (ne Pallot)

2012 to 2020 - M M Le Mottee

1987 to 2012 - S J Payn

1968 to 1987 - J D Egre

1962 to 1967 - E J Egre

1953 to 1961 - R J Le Quesne

1951 to 1953 - W Le L Egre

1930 to 1951 - J B Michel

1927 to 1929 - E R Egre

1924 to 1927 - J W Arthur

1920 to 1924 - A F Le Brocq

1912 to 1920 - S J Le Marquand

1907 to 1912 - F W Le Feuvre