

Western Miniature Rifle Club takes safety very seriously, ensuring that it’s requirements are met is paramount. New members, however experienced, are required to undertake the club’s induction programme and must apply for membership as soon as he / she has shot on three occasions.

The induction deals with all safety issues, club etiquette and the rudiments of the shooting process. It is led by experienced members, often supported by others. For established shooters joining from other clubs or moving to the Island, this induction process may be compressed depending on the individual, just to reinforce the club’s approaches to safety and the like.

During every shooting detail, a Range Conducting Officer (RCO) will be present. He / she is in charge of all the shooting that is taking place on the range. Any commands and / or orders issued by the RCO are to be followed without question or objection. Any person who fails to obey the RCO will be asked to leave the range.

Other than shooters and the RCO, the only other permitted persons allowed on the range(s) during a shoot are coaches and authorised spectators who must remain well behind the firing points. Waiting shooters, coaches and RCOs should be outside the range in the club room.

Ear defenders or approved ear protection must be worn by all persons present on the range whilst shooting is in progress. Furthermore, all firearms in and around the club room and before / after shooting must have approved breach flags in place at all times. There are no exceptions.

Club Rules

  • Licences and Firearms Regulations apply. All club members will abide by the local firearms laws. It is the duty of club members to ensure that their firearm certificate(s) are up to date.

  • Range safety rules will be adhered to at all times.

  • Club members will fire on targets duly approved by the club and the Jersey Small-bore Shooting Association (JSSA), the type of rifle to be any of .22 calibre as permitted under the National Small-bore Rifle Association (NSRA) rules.

  • All targets will be numbered and each member will take his / her turn in rotation, firing on whatever range and target number to which he / she has been allotted.

  • Members will not be allowed more time to fire their number of rounds than is permitted under the current rules of the JSSA.

  • Ammunition will be provided by the club, at a price determined at the Annual General Meeting each year. Members using their own ammunition will pay a range fee to be determined annually. The Executive Committee reserves the right to change ammunition charges in the event of any increase by the suppliers where it would appear feasible to so do, this in the interest of the club’s finances.

  • Three club members including one senior club member will take charge of the shooting on each practice evening. Their duties to comprise of the receipt of cash, the distribution of ammunition and targets, scoring paper targets, the oiling and maintenance of club rifles, cleaning the range, club room and office. No junior member is permitted to score cards unless under the direct supervision of a senior member.

    The Hon. Secretary will provide a duty-rota to each member stating the date on which his / her duty rota falls. A duty rota list must also be provided for the notice board. If any member is not able to fulfill their duty on the allotted date, they must find a substitute amongst the other members. A senior member will also be appointed to undertake the duties of the Range Conducting Officer.

  • Rules appertaining to the trophies and club competitions will be posted and adhered to.

  • Each member must fire not less than sixteen practice shoots held on the official practice evening during the season in order to participate in the prize awards. The Executive Committee reserve the right to reduce or add to the prize list if circumstances warrant.

  • No person under the age of 12 years are eligible to shoot and / or for membership. In the interest of safety, each application for club membership will be subject to recommendation by the Executive Committee. Prospective new members will be expected to undergo formal training in the knowledge and use of the small-bore rifle, also in regards to range safety and of office administration. Please note that experienced shooters will not need to conform to this.

    The Executive Committee reserves the right to arrange an additional practice evening in the event of an excessive number of new shooters attending on an official club evening. Only scores fired on these evenings will count for wine glasses, trophies and other competitions.

  • Where not otherwise provided for in these club rules, the JSSA / NSRA rules and regulations in force at the time will govern shooting in all the club competitions.

  • Members shall make themselves acquainted with the rules, as any plea of ignorance will not be entertained. Any person not abiding by these rules shall be reported to the Executive Committee.

Western Miniature Rifle Club is a non-smoking facility in accordance with the Smoking (Workplaces) (Jersey) Regulations 2006.


The Law on Firearms


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