
At Western Miniature Rifle Club, we have a good selection of rifles, custom made shooting jackets and equipment to borrow. It is important to retain consistency in the equipment so make a note of the club equipment that you use and any changes that you make.

Of course you may wish to buy your own. Below is a brief list of recommended kit to get you started. Ask for advice if unsure, Western members are always happy to offer help, advice and guidance.


Firearms and Sights

A valid Jersey Firearm Certificate is required before you can purchase or acquire any firearm and / or ammunition.


A well fitting shooting jacket is an essential requirement for successful rifle shooting.

Slings, Gloves and Hearing Protection

Slings are used in the prone and kneeling positions to transfer the weight of the rifle to the body. A variety of models are available, some allowing the position of the buckles to be adjusted, and the most complex allowing the length of the sling to be fine-tuned in position.

A shooting glove for the support hand is an essential piece of kit for every rifle shooter and we insist that shooters, coaches and Range Conducting Officers wear hearing protection at all times

Mats and Scopes

A good mat is essential for comfort and stability in the prone position. Although at Western we now use fixed electronic targets, you may wish to purchase a spotting scope so that you can shoot at other approved .22 clubs as well as enter competitions where paper targets are still used.


Shooters nowadays are presented with a huge range of accessories to customise their equipment. If unsure on what to purchase, ask a Western member.


From time to time, we have members or friends that have equipment for sale.

Useful Links

Edinkillie Sport Services

Edinkillie Sport Services

Intershoot Target Shooting

Intershoot Target Shooting

Barry Fossey

Barry Fossey

Bedford Target Supplies

Bedford Target Supplies