Le Quesne Handicap Cup (17)

Le Quesne Handicap Cup

15 Yards Handicap


A perpetual handicap trophy, conditions to be determined annually. To be fired on paper targets only, scope to be removed for the second card after sighters have been taken. Handicap to be nominated prior to the competition.

To be fired at 15 yards, ex 200, ties to be fired off.


2023 / 2024 - Miss S Chohan
2022 / 2023 - Miss L Hart
2021 / 2022 - J Hart
2020 / 2021 - No Competition
2019 / 2020 - A Rees-Williams
2018 / 2019 - K H Pallot
2017 / 2018 - M A Pallot
2016 / 2017 - Miss S Chalker
2015 / 2016 - G Eggelhoffer
2014 / 2015 - J Le Moignan
2013 / 2014 - M Le Moignan
2012 / 2013 - H Richards
2011 / 2012 - A Rees-Williams
2010 / 2011 - P Richards
2009 / 2010 - A Rees-Williams
2008 / 2009 - I Gordon
2007 / 2008 - M A Pallot
2006 / 2007 - Miss S Chalker
2005 / 2006 - G G Pallot
2004 / 2005 - A Nott
2003 / 2004 - I Gordon
2002 / 2003 - Miss S Pallot
2001 / 2002 - P Pinel
2000 / 2001 - Miss S Pallot
1999 / 2000 - K Pallot
1998 / 1999 - J Le Roy
1997 / 1998 - G L Pallot
1996 / 1997 - S J Payn
1995 / 1996 - M A Pallot
1994 / 1995 - M A Pallot
1993 / 1994 - Miss S Pallot
1992 / 1993 - M M Le Mottee
1991 / 1992 - R Nott
1990 / 1991 - A D Le Cheminant
1989 / 1990 - B C Fossey
1988 / 1989 - C C Mallett Jnr
1987 / 1988 - G De Gruchy
1986 / 1987 - C C Mallett Jnr
1985 / 1986 - G Michel
1984 / 1985 - O D De Gruchy
1983 / 1984 - D H Le Vesconte
1982 / 1983 - Miss C Aisher
1981 / 1982 - B J Le Cheminant
1980 / 1981 - S P Morin
1979 / 1980 - Mrs D O’Connor
1978 / 1979 - C Fossey
1977 / 1978 - A P Nicolle
1976 / 1977 - Mrs I Fossey
1975 / 1976 - S J Payn
1974 / 1975 - A P Nicolle
1973 / 1974 - G Blake
1972 / 1973 - E J Clapshaw
1971 / 1972 - D E Payn
1970 / 1971 - S G Payn
1969 / 1970 - M G Delanoe
1968 / 1969 - S J Payn
1967 / 1968 - Miss M Dutton
1966 / 1967 - Miss D Renouf
1965 / 1966 - R S Benest
1964 / 1965 - A Pettifer
1963 / 1964 - R Benest
1962 / 1963 - J P Buesnel
1961 / 1962 - J P Buesnel
1960 / 1961 - S G Payn
1959 / 1960 - S T Payn
1958 / 1959 - R J Richmond
1957 / 1958 - Mrs Y Pool
1956 / 1957 - D H Le Vesconte
1955 / 1956 - R F Le Quesne
1954 / 1955 - R J Le Quesne
1953 / 1954 - R J Le Quesne
1952 / 1953 - R F Le Quesne
1951 / 1952 - P H Rondel
1950 / 1951 - M J Vautier
1949 / 1950 - M J Vautier
1948 / 1949 - No Competition
1947 / 1948 - No Competition
1946 / 1947 - No Competition
1945 / 1946 - No Competition
1944 / 1945 - No Competition
1943 / 1944 - No Competition
1942 / 1943 - No Competition
1941 / 1942 - No Competition
1940 / 1941 - No Competition
1939 /1940 - No Competition
1938 / 1939 - Ed Le Brocq
1937 / 1938 - C Vibert
1936 / 1937 - S Poignand
1935 / 1936 - C Egre
1934 / 1935 - H S Du Val
1933 / 1934 - W Mauger
1932 / 1933 - L J Le Breton
1931 / 1932 - G E Michel
1930 / 1931 - G Le Bas
1929 / 1930 - G E Michel