Connetable E J Le Brocq Perpetual Shield (32)

Connetable E J Le Brocq Perpetual Shield

Air Weapons Handicap.


A perpetual 10 metre air weapon handicap trophy. Members must name their weapon and own handicap, which must remain the same throughout the competition.

Cards must be signed, witnessed and handed to the Officer in charge of the competition.

2 cards of 10 shots. Date to be arranged by the Competition Secretary.

Ties to be fired off.


2023 / 2024 - No Competition
2022 / 2023 - No Competition
2021 / 2022 - No Competition
2020 / 2021 - No Competition
2019 / 2020 - No Competition
2018 / 2019 - No Competition
2017 / 2018 - No Competition
2016 / 2017 - A Rees-Williams
2015 / 2016 - A Johnson
2014 / 2015 - Miss J Copple
2013 / 2014 - H Richards
2012 / 2013 - M Le Moignan
2011 / 2012 - A Le Cheminant
2010 / 2011 - D Hardisty
2009 / 2010 - G Le Cornu
2008 / 2009 - I Gordon
2007 / 2008 - M A Pallot
2006 / 2007 - R Le Roy
2005 / 2006 - G L Michel
2004 / 2005 - G Le Cornu
2003 / 2004 - A Chalker
2002 / 2003 - A Rees-Williams
2001 / 2002 - C C Mallett Jnr
2000 / 2001 - S J Payn
1999 / 2000 - W Pallot
1998 / 1999 - W Pallot
1997 / 1998 - N Dos Reis
1996 / 1997 - G L Pallot
1995 / 1996 - M A Pallot
1994 / 1995 - R Schollhammer
1993 / 1994 - A D Le Cheminant
1992 / 1993 - C C Mallett Jnr