James Dear Trophy (15)

James Dear Trophy

Novices Trophy


A perpetual trophy awarded to a member in their first year of shooting, commencing 1st October. A beginners knockout trophy, awarded to the member with the highest score of the evening.

To be fired at 15 yards, ex 200, ties to be fired off.


2023 / 2024 - N Royston
2022 / 2023 - Miss I Hefford - McCutcheon
2021 / 2022 - P Moden
2020 / 2021 - No Competition
2019 / 2020 - Miss A Bolla
2018 / 2019 - R Cunliffe
2017 / 2018 - J Hart
2016 / 2017 - No Competition
2015 / 2016 - A Johnson
2014 / 2015 - Miss J Copple
2013 / 2014 - Miss H Galloway
2012 / 2013 - Max Roberts
2011 / 2012 - K Temple
2010 / 2011 - H Richards
2009 / 2010 - No Competition
2008 / 2009 - A Martinez
2007 / 2008 - Miss S Chalker
2006 / 2007 - J Vibert
2005 / 2006 - C Garcia
2004 / 2005 - No Competition
2003 / 2004 - J Le Moignan
2002 / 2003 - J Payn Jnr
2001 / 2002 - J Payn Jnr
2000 / 2001 - R Le Marinel
1999 / 2000 - No Competition
1998 / 1999 - A Munns
1997 / 1998 - N Dos Reis
1996 / 1997 - S Le Brocq
1995 / 1996 - Miss J Lidgett
1994 / 1995 - T Job
1993 / 1994 - A Hood
1992 / 1993 - R Schollhammer
1991 / 1992 - G Grant
1990 / 1991 - M Le Moine
1989 / 1990 - W Pallot
1988 / 1989 - B Boustouler
1987 / 1988 - Miss C Payn
1986 / 1987 - C Ollivier
1985 / 1986 - Mrs S Queree
1984 / 1985 - Miss J Bashforth
1983 / 1984 - R Le Maistre
1982 / 1983 - Miss H Baker
1981 / 1982 - P Willing
1980 / 1981 - J Prior
1979 / 1980 - K Lajoie
1978 / 1979 - D Le Cheminant
1977 / 1978 - P Campbell
1976 / 1977 - J Renouf
1975 / 1976 - J Le Ruez
1974 / 1975 - G De Gruchy
1973 / 1974 - O De Gruchy and G Blake
1972 / 1973 - No Competition
1971 / 1972 - R Le Roy
1970 / 1971 - M J Rowse
1969 / 1970 - G C Payn
1968 / 1969 - G Le Cornu
1967 / 1968 - E J Clapshaw