The Gerald Michel Vase (33)

The Gerald Michel Vase

Donated in 1987.

Pairs Handicap.


A perpetual pairs handicap trophy.

Each shooter to choose their own handicap before the competition begins. The same handicap is to be kept throughout the competition.

There has to be an equal amount of shooters, for example, if there is 20 shooters then the first highest 10 are paired with lower 10 remining shooters. The draw is made after the shoot.

The scores of both competitors are added together plus their handicap for the final score ex 200.

To be fired at 15 yards, one card each, ex 200, ties to be fired off.


2023 / 2024 - J Le Ruez and A O’Rafferty
2022 / 2023 - Miss L Hart and J Le Ruez
2021 / 2022 - K Pallot and P Moden
2020 / 2021 - No Competition
2019 / 2020 - J Le Moignan and A Rees-Williams
2018 / 2019 - M A Pallot and J Crump
2017 / 2018 - M A Pallot and M Veillard
2016 / 2017 - J Le Cheminant and B J Le Cheminant
2015 / 2016 - No Competition
2014 / 2015 - A Le Seelleur and A Rees-Williams
2013 / 2014 - A Le Cheminant and J Le Cheminant
2012 / 2013 - M Le Moignan and A Rees-Williams
2011 / 2012 - J Wheeler and G L Michel
2010 / 2011 - E Payn and A Rees-Williams
2009 / 2010 - Miss S Pallot and A Rees-Williams
2008 / 2009 - C C Mallett and A Chalker
2007 / 2008 - G Le Cornu and A Chalker
2006 / 2007 - A Rees-Williams and C Garcia
2005 / 2006 - Miss Z Hodder and P Pinel
2004 / 2005 - M Good and Miss S Chalker
2003 / 2004 - P Pinel and J Le Cheminant
2002 / 2003 - M A Pallot and Mark Le Moignan
2001 / 2002 - G L Pallot and P Pinel
2000 / 2001 - W Pallot and Miss S Pallot
1999 / 2000 - A Rees-Williams and Russell Le Roy
1998 / 1999 - No Competition
1997 / 1998 - M M Le Mottee and D Le Vesconte
1996 / 1997 - Miss S Pallot and D H Le Vesconte
1995 / 1996 - A Hood and J Rees-Williams
1994 / 1995 - M M Le Mottee and R Schollhammer
1993 / 1994 - A Hood and J Hood
1992 / 1993 - M A Pallot and J Le Cornu
1991 / 1992 - Mrs R Pallot and D H Le Vesconte
1990 / 1991 - C C Mallett Jnr and M Le Moine
1989 / 1990 - C C Mallett Jnr and S Cohu
1988 / 1989 - C C Mallett Jnr and R Nott
1987 / 1988 - S J Payn and C Ollivier